Rubbish pile this modern physics

Modern physics, as it were, with its cosmology and quantum mechanics, which are a heap of rubbish, consisting of in no way connected with each other theories, for several hundred years invented as if by scientists and mathematicians, but claiming that they are true physicists.
The absolute disconnectedness between the theories, which were usually accepted in physics, as at a meeting, by the simple majority of theorists who identified themselves as physicists, is veiled, as it were, by their compromise agreements, for example, such as: “quantum-wave particle dualism”, adding to quantum mechanics absolutely unprovable definitions – “relativistic” and, most importantly, the recognition of many natural phenomena that did not fit into their theory, paradoxes.
The deepest contradictions in theoretical physics arose between the theories of relativity invented by Einstein and the theories of quantum mechanics invented by Planck and others like him.
In relativism, the space-time continuum is postulated by an absolute monolith, and in quantum mechanics it must be discrete, otherwise it is not quantum mechanics. Combining these fundamentally incompatible concepts, theorists began to invent first single measurements, additional to the four Einstein ones, then these measurements began to count in dozens (the “development” of theoretical physics will obviously lead to hundreds of these same measurements).
It’s funny that relativists, in the oscillations of their seismographs designated by them as “detectors” of Einstein’s “gravitational waves” (actually caused, for example, by the croaking of crows), “discovered” that these very “gravitational waves” of theirs allegedly do not seem to go into some sixteenth measurements invented by quantum mechanics. This, as it were, for Einstein scientists and adherents of quantum mechanics, as it were, should mean that there are only four dimensions … But these “discoveries” have passed by the minds of theorists: you never know what they discover, everything will fit in a kind of boost-up physics … theorists of quantum mechanics recognized these fantasies of the Einsteinists as a fact, it would be a huge disappointment for them, because how many of their fabrications about strings and branes would have to be thrown into the trash (where they really are and the most suitable place). But the most sad thing for them would be to abandon further fabrications about a heap of dimensions, that is, to abandon their quantum-mechanical pasture, which brings them honorary titles and money.

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