More theologians from theoretical physics
The “world mind” (god) of theorists from Microsoft is a living, developing and self-learning “universe”. Such their inventions were published…
Наука и лженаука.
The “world mind” (god) of theorists from Microsoft is a living, developing and self-learning “universe”. Such their inventions were published…
«Мировой разум» (бог) теоретиков от Microsoft, это живая, развивающаяся и самообучающаяся «вселенная». Такие свои измышления опубликовали эти богословы от лженауки…
Биологи из Лундского университета в Швеции выяснили, как птицам удаётся не замерзать даже в самые суровые зимы. Оказывается, всё дело…
Как сообщает Science, антропологи из Цюрихского университета при помощи компьютерной томографии изучили окаменевшие черепа предков людей, живших в Африке и…
The systemic redshift in the spectra of distant objects in space is the result of the interaction of photons with…
We are tirelessly broadcast through the media that the purpose of science is to ensure scientific and technological progress, the…
Scientometrics is a discipline that studies the evolution of science through the statistical processing of scientific information (the number of…
In the work of Einstein “On the electrodynamics of moving bodies” it was stated that time slows down in a…
In 2007, Xiang Zhang and colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley obtained several optical images of nanometer-scale objects with…
Modern physics seems to be more like a children’s fairy tale than a product of observations of the real world….