Chinese characters in Slavic runes?

The Slavs at the beginning of the 1st millennium were part of the Hunnic empire. More precisely, that part of the Huns who left China. The Slavs had a runic writing, the origin of which is unknown. And then suddenly one person, obsessed with the idea of ​​the origin of world civilization from the Slavs, demonstrated that Chinese characters can be read like Slavic runes!

Hieroglyph “Shan” (Mountain). For example, Tien Shan.

This hieroglyph is very reminiscent of the Russian letter “sh” (and that, of course, is a rune with the same sounding). But until now, for some reason, it was believed that this letter was borrowed by us from Aramaic, from the letter “shem”. Meanwhile, as a Chinese character with the same sound was known thousands of years ago. And how can one fail to recall that in the Ukrainian language the definition “shanovny”, which means high, has been preserved.

Components of the hieroglyph for the astrological sign Tiger.

Again we read in Russian: tiger. The letter “t” is inverted, as in the runes; even the deafness “g” is noted (it turned out x); the letters are even close to writing in Latin.

Components of the hieroglyph meaning “flower”.

If we turn to the Slavic syllabic (star) runes, then we will read Tsi-Wu-Tya-Kh, that is, a flower.

I would like to assume much more than the fact that the Slavic runes came from China. What if both the Harappan script and the Egyptian one have the same source as the Chinese one.

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