Fantastic physics

Modern physics seems to be more like a children’s fairy tale than a product of observations of the real world. It is built on the basis of only two groups of ad hoc mathematical theories, these are theories relativism and the theory quantum mechanics . Of course, these basic theories are surrounded by a huge halo of secondary ad hoc theories.
It’s funny, symptomatic and allows you to accurately diagnose this kind of physics that the theories of relativism and quantum mechanics absolutely contradict each other in everything, both together and each separately do not reflect reality at all.
Relativism, having entered the arena of physics, with its fundamental postulate about the absence of a basic frame of reference for everything, that is, velocities, masses, energies, as if rejected any inventions of theorists of previous eras on topics from which consist of space, and affirmed the absolute emptiness of this space. So, as theorists before the epoch of relativism saw different versions of “ether” in which “electromagnetic waves” walk with elementary particles of space, then it was “ether” that was rejected. But electromagnetic waves and Maxwell’s formulas, supposedly describing them, have become one of the constituent parts of relativism. Relativistic electromagnetic waves, unlike the electromagnetic waves of the etherists, began to walk in an incomprehensible way in absolute emptiness …
Since relativism with its postulates and ideas has never had any practical application, the overwhelming majority of physicists, in general, were not interested in it. These physicists seemed to think like this: well, there is some theory recognized by the authorities, and let it be, but we have our own problems: publications, salaries, career growth, fame … In the same way, for example, writers do not read the “great” works of other writers, however, the majority of ordinary citizens do not read them, and the signs of “greatness” are assigned to these works by so-called “experts” unknown to anyone …
The indifference of the majority of scientists, as it were, to what is given to them by “experts” as great achievements of physics is always allowed them to create their own ad hoc theories. And in the XX century it happened that the aetherists, as it were, “enlightened” by the ideas of relativism, transformed their set of ad hoc theories into a new science called quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics rejects any emptiness. All elements of the world in this kind of science have a discrete, quantum, and exclusively wave structure. Moreover, these are not material waves, but waves of a certain probability that the object is located at some point in space. Quantum in this kind of science is an indivisible part of any object, but how waves can be indivisible is not explained. In general, quantum mechanics denies the understanding of any processes. Its “understanding” is expressed exclusively by formulas, and its motto is “do not think, but count!”. In quantum mechanics, the “ether” was revived, becoming a kind of “physical vacuum”, the particles of which are not real, but “virtual”, in in other ad hoc versions of theories of quantum mechanics, these are some kind of “superstrings”. In any case, these quantum elements of space contradict the special theory of relativity, but no one seems to notice this. Quantum mechanics in the favorite tale of its adepts about the quantum entanglement of particle waves that have no structure before they deign to pay attention observer, postulates an infinite rate of information exchange between quantum entangled particles, which clearly contradicts the postulates of relativism about the limiting speed equal to the speed of light. And this, as it were, is considered quite normal by physicists…

This is how the “development” of people goes: In childhood, cartoons, games and tales about miracles and transformations of heroes and about religious miracles, at school and in higher educational institutions – the above mentioned tales of physics and mathematics and cartoons to them, and understandably, religion … And the level of knowledge of mankind remains at the level of “knowledge” of the people of the Stone Age…


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