“Fakes” are blocked by “specialists”…

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In photographs of the NASA space X-ray observatory Chandra (“Chandra”) posted on the Internet, an astronomy lover from the Crimea discovered two colliding galaxies in the constellation Canis Major. Clumps of matter move from the nuclei of these galaxies towards each other in jets, and each clump has a speed of 0.99 the speed of light. The distance between the clumps is 1,000 light years. An amateur posted a question on the Internet forum: after what time will these clots of matter collide? It would seem that they will collide in 500 years, but after all, the time dilation according to Einstein has not been canceled, and they, having almost stopped in time, will not collide even in a million years … The galaxies will merge, but the clumps will not. In addition, they should have remained in the past for a long time, at the moment of emission, that is, they cannot be observed in the present. Yet at what speed do the clumps approach each other? From Einstein’s or to Einstein’s? Will they merge or not? In general, the amateur was blocked, and his article was deleted …

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