False scientists and negative results of their activities

1. открытие, ученые

The cost of the content of science is becoming more and more expensive, while the benefit from it is less and less. This is the conclusion reached by scientists in the field of science in a recent study conducted in the United States. Over the past half century, the budgets of scientific organizations have grown more than 10 times: if in 1960 the United States spent tens of billions on research, now the costs exceed half a trillion dollars. At the same time, there are simply no results of their work.
Researchers at one of the oldest American scientific publications have come to the conclusion that science is clearly degrading. They conducted a survey among scientists to find out which discoveries over the past 100 years can be considered the most significant. In the field of physics, chemistry and biology, the rating included only works published before the eighties – then a complete failure. In search of at least some “discoveries”, organizations like the Nobel Committee turn to obviously dubious works, no longer real researchers, but huge collaborations. The Higgs Boson (several lines on the film) was discovered by several thousand physicists from different countries at the same time. “Gravitational waves” – no less … Non-existent “dark matter” is already being discovered by a century. “Dark power” was “found” in “dark matter”. By the way, Nobel in his will demanded that his prize be awarded only for useful deeds, and in no case would be given to theorists-mathematicians. This has never been observed.
It is difficult to count even as many useful discoveries as there are fingers on one hand … But the number of useless discoveries all over the world now, one might say, is infinite. A lot of discoveries concern ways to lose weight, lack of sleep and oversleeping. But there were no results, somehow connected with these “researches”, which are manifested in life. Millions of ways to fight cancer have been discovered, but only those who have been diagnosed with an error or deliberately false will recover from cancer. And how many people have died of cancer – so many die. Almost every day, evidence of the cooling of the Sun, “global warming”, the rupture of the “space-time continuum”, the “Higgs boson”, viruses threatening epidemics, comets, asteroids and “black holes” “threatening life” on Earth are discovered. It’s like the work of real scientists who receive money for their work.
It is true, as it were, there are some visible results in the field of knowledge, not related to physics, chemistry and biology. As in the Middle Ages, they now massively build mechanical dolls, calling them robots. The result seems to be noticeable here and there, for example, brothels with such robotic dolls have already been created in some places. They tinker with computer models of “artificial intelligence” and “neural networks” in their “intelligence” clearly not very far ahead of the gramophones of the late 19th century.
Another path of activity of scientists, as it were, is advertising and introducing into the consciousness of the masses of the people the “achievements” of “fundamental science”. Sold editions on mathematics and quantum physics for housewives, “scientific” comics. A “scientific” stand-up has appeared – a mixture of comedy and science: a person comes out to the audience and from the stage jokes about the laws of nature, or “scientific bar-hopping” – this is when a group of people go to bars all night, drink beer and talk exclusively about cosmologists or about another chosen area of ​​knowledge, as it were.
This is such modern science …

Рост финансирования, публикаций и количества ученых в XX веке
Изображение: Patrick Collison and Michael Nielsen

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