As it were, scientists, as it were, sciences differentiate into those who do not understand what they are paid for, and those who agree to everything for the sake of money

Some pseudoscientists began to realize that what they considered to be science is, to a large extent, not a science, but an ideology. Science is the free research of curious people, and modern science is like hammering into the brains of people the same mythology, created as if by scientists, recognized authorities by those who are interested in the uniformity of opinions of crowds of people, that is, financiers who pay for this kind of science.

Here is an example of a kind of scientist who has slightly recovered his sight: The Wall Street Journal published an article by Lawrence Krauss about the situation that develops in physics, astronomy and mathematics, with a very telling title: “The ideological corruption of science.” The author of the article is a theoretical physicist, professor at the University of Arizona.

He saw that in America, fearing accusations of racism, entire scientific directions were beginning to close. For example, the study of races and gender differences. Scientists in these fields are fired and laboratories are sealed. Natural sciences, which are obligatory for every schoolchild, also came under attack: physics, astronomy, mathematics. This is because there are practically no black scientists in these areas of knowledge.

“Over the past few years, academic leaders everywhere have censored any dissent, and have fired leading professors if someone claims their research supports unjust oppression,” the article says.

In June, the American Physical Society, which unites 55 thousand physicists around the world, approved the so-called “strike for black life”, stopping teaching exact sciences in academic institutions for a day.

At Michigan State University, employees held a protest against physicist Stephen Sui. He was guilty of doing research in the field of computational genomics, that is, studying how human genetics can be related to his cognitive abilities. He was forced to resign. By the way, Stephen Sui himself is a native of China.

And in Princeton, more than a hundred professors wrote an open letter to the president of the institution, demanding the creation of a special committee to investigate and impose disciplinary sanctions on cases of racist behavior. Dozens of academics in the United States are canceling workshops, withdrawing articles, and stopping research for fear of racist accusations and subsequent harassment.

“Since ideological invasion corrupts scientific institutions, the question arises: why more and more scientists are not defending the exact sciences from this invasion? The answer is that scientists are afraid. They see what happened to the scientists who contradicted. They see researchers lose funding if they cannot explain how their research will fight racism or sexism, ”the letter says.

The world science has repeatedly experienced the pressure of ideology and the blows of dogmatists in its history. Suffice it to recall Trofim Lysenko and the persecution of genetics and geneticists, which cost scientists their career, freedom and lives, or the persecution of the father of the atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer, during the time of McCarthyism for overly peaceful views. I could tell a lot today about my scientific disputes with the Roman Catholic Church and Galileo Galilei, not to mention Nicolaus Copernicus.

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