“Gravitational waves” delusion or deception?

Scientists who are fond of fantasies, explaining the Advanced LIGO (Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) experiment, declared such sensitivity of the instruments of their system that “the sensors can register the deviation of the laser beam by an amount less than a thousandth of the proton diameter” … Equipment The LIGO observatory works by repeatedly bouncing laser beams that pass through 4 km of tunnels at right angles to each other. Near the mirror system, motion sensors are located, which register the slightest deviations of the laser beam, occurring under the influence of gravitational waves at the moment when they pass in the area of ​​the Earth.
But real scientists know that groping for the position of one particle with the help of another, we think that we know its location, but at the same time, while acting with our test particle on the desired one, we change its localization. Tom Purdy with a team from the University of Colorado at Boulder (USA) covered the frame with a half-millimeter side with a sheet of silicon nitride 40-nanometer thick. The dimensions of the resulting “drum” in this case turned out to be comparable to the size of a grain of sand. To prevent random fluctuations from extinguishing quantum effects in the “drum”, it was placed in a vacuum chamber and cooled to several degrees above absolute zero. They began to irradiate the “drum” with a laser with photons, trying to measure the exact positions of its working surface vibrating at the same time at every moment of time. It failed! Measurement errors began to grow. The impossibility of creating devices of infinite precision is a fact. Whenever some dubious scientists claim to measure a certain parameter with an accuracy comparable to the size of atoms, they either do not understand what they are measuring, or they are lying.

What and how was “detected” in the Advanced LIGO project was analyzed by Grishaev.

The original source is an article for Phys.Rev.Lett. – located at: https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.061102

The “gravitational wave” supposedly causes deformation of the space itself. But this means that in the area covered by such a deformation of space, all linear dimensions change in the same way (in relative terms). If the resonator is shortened, then the lengths of the light waves in it are also shortened, so that their number over the length of the resonator remains the same. This means that, with the help of an optical interferometer, no phase effects due to the “stretching-compression of space” will be found in principle, and the LIGO project was initially physically meaningless.

It is appropriate to say a few words about the magnitude of the “effect” found. Stretching of space (strain) manifested itself, ostensibly through an increment in the length of the resonator; the ratio of this increment to the length itself (4 km) was, at the maximum, 1 * 10-21. For comparison: before 1983, the primary length standards were made just on the basis of an optical interferometer, and their accuracy was no better than 10-13. Then the speed of light was assigned a value with zero error and the so-called. span meter determination – which made it possible to transfer the accuracy of time-frequency measurements to length measurements (this was necessary for metrological support of the operation of satellite navigation systems: GPS, GLONASS). At present, the best accuracy (and resolution) of space-time measurements, provided on national standards, is of the order of 10-16 – and this is with averaging times of the order of a day or even more. If the specialists involved in the LIGO project claim that they, for rapidly changing processes, detect five orders of magnitude more subtle effects, then the national standards should be abolished, and the LIGO interferometers should be certified as primary standards.

But you can do it easier – take a close look at the recordings of the signals from which they made a sensation. We reproduce the Hanford result (in red, “SIGNAL + NOISE”). This is a time base of the sum of the “wanted signal” and the noise; recording duration 0.2 s, “space deformation” is plotted along the ordinate, in units of 10-21.

Below, in blue, the authors show the “useful signal” (“SIGNAL 1”), which meets the requirements of general relativity, and the corresponding noise (“NOISE 1” equal to “SIGNAL + NOISE” minus “SIGNAL 1”). The frequency of the “useful signal” varies from 35 to 150 Hz, i.e. the ratio of the bandwidth occupied by the signal to its center frequency is about 1.24. With such a wide bandwidth, a signal that is only twice the amplitude of the noise cannot be detected unambiguously. This is clearly illustrated by a pair of green graphs – “incorrect useful signal”, limited in amplitude by 0.5 (“SIGNAL 2”) and noise (“NOISE 2”), which add up to the original record “SIGNAL + NOISE”.

As you can see, the residual noise in the case of a “wrong” signal does not fundamentally differ from the noise in the case of a “correct” signal. The original record can be represented by a huge number of variants of the sums of signal and noise – therefore, the presentation by the authors of a signal that is in agreement with the requirements of general relativity does not have, in this case, any evidentiary force. With sufficiently large arrays of records from two detectors, finding two “correct responses” with a suitable time difference is only a matter of the effectiveness of the mathematical filtering used. Which will filter out whatever your heart desires.

Thus, declaring the successful detection of gravitational waves, the authors wishful thinking. All the conclusions that they make further – about the masses of black holes that generated the “signal”, about the distance to them and about the direction to them, and even about the parameters of the so-called. graviton – by no means correspond to any physical realities. These are just speculations based on general relativity.

In the message about the “discovery” of “gravitational waves” it is not emphasized that the detector throughout the entire time of its operation records noise in the range from 300 to 1500 Hz, which greatly interfere with its work. The operators never found the source of the noise. Craig Hogan, director of the Center for Astrophysical Research at Fermi Laboratory, said that the reason for the noise is that the “space-time continuum” is a collection of quanta of space-time, and they vibrate. But the “British scientists” decided not to develop Hogan’s idea, but to form their “gravitational waves” from this noise.

In reality, of course, “hum” is recorded, a hum, which is the integrated noise of cities, transmitted not only through the air, but mainly through the earth’s crust.

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