On the mental abilities of the adepts of relativism

In relativism, time is the fourth vector of the “space-time continuum” and the movement of objects along this vector supposedly goes with different speeds depending on their speed and mass in its three-dimensional part. Simply put, some objects lag behind others in time, that is, they remain in the past for other, faster moving objects. Although in the past they move along the time coordinate, they cannot catch up with faster objects and are lagging behind them more and more. Lagging in time makes these objects lagging behind, for example, in galactic orbit from lighter objects moving in galactic orbit. This applies to planetary systems. Objects of different masses and velocities would long ago have scattered in time and could not have been observed at the same time in any way. Most objects of large mass and speed would remain in the distant past, and we would not have the opportunity to see either the effect of “black holes” on matter, or even to see the Sun lagging behind its planets by billions of parsecs in orbit …
All this phantasmagoria is derived from the theories of relativism and, of course, is not observed in the real world.
The creator of the theories of relativism, who built his theories on formulas taken from mathematicians, of course, with his brain weighing about a kilogram, characteristic of oligophrenics, could not understand all this. But what about the multitude of other pseudo-physicists …
Apparently the famous psychiatrist Gannushkin was right that most people are constitutionally stupid. They sometimes do well in secondary and high school, but they cannot apply knowledge to reality. They know how to “keep themselves in society”, talk about the weather, say routine, banal things. One of the distinguishing features of the constitutionally limited is their great suggestibility, their constant readiness to obey the voice of the majority; these are people of trend, banality, fashion, these people follow good behavior, they are distinguished by great conceit. They, with a grandiloquent solemn air, put common places in their statuses on social networks or ornate phrases that have no meaning, representing a set of magnificent words.
And Engels wrote about this theories invented by theorists of various sciences: “This is an old problem. First, they create abstractions, distracting them from sensible things, and then they want to cognize these abstractions sensually. The empiricist gets so used to the empirical knowledge familiar to him that he imagines himself to be still in the field of sensory cognition, even when he operates with abstractions. “
In general, thanks to some economic factors, those scientists who agreed with the fabrications of Einstein and his ilk were promoted to high positions, and their opponents lost the opportunity to criticize these fabrications … Yes, and there were few of them, Gannushkin told the truth about this … But there were many ” critics “, standard in terms of mental abilities just like Gannushkin. These “critics” were adherents of fabrications similar to relativism, for example: aetherists, adherents of quantum mechanics, supporters of the idea that “the universe is a hologram”, adherents of the “multiverse” and others. Their fabrications were replicated precisely in order to show their stupidity and lack of connection with reality.

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