On the religion of relativism

Relativists, when they perform their “holy mass” about the Special Theory of Relativity, sing that we have the right to speak only about the relative motions of some inertial systems relative to others, and none of them can be considered a priority for counting the movement of other inertial systems relative to it. In the Special Theory of Relativity, absolute space is excluded and the equivalence of all inertial systems is declared. This was necessary in order to exclude the very possibility of finding some kind of fulcrum somewhere. Richard Feynman emphasized in his “Mass” on the Special Theory of Relativity this property of the inertial system, which is most important for relativists: “One of the consequences of the theory of relativity was the development of philosophy, which asserted:” You can only determine what is measurable! Since it is clear that it is impossible to measure speed without seeing in relation to which it is measured, it is natural that the concept of absolute speed has no meaning. “
When the relativistic “mass goes about the General Theory of Relativity, the relativists suddenly forget about the absence of a priority frame of reference postulated in the Special Theory of Relativity, and in their psalms suddenly, without any experimental substantiation, this absolute frame of reference appears in the form of a” space-time continuum “or In the environment of the “space-time continuum” in its time coordinate all past events that happened to all objects and their mutual arrangement are “frozen in”. In the environment of the “physical vacuum” the zero velocity is determined by the pairs of virtual particles “continuously born” from it, they seem to be supposed to give the initial coordinate, but the mass is not mentioned about that. without intertwining. There were attempts to somehow unite them or to make a choice in favor of one of them. Obviously, relativists absolutely do not need this choice, because their faith presupposes the absolute incomprehensibility of the world. Therefore, in addition to the General and Special Theory of Relativity, they created Quantum Mechanics, where they continued to combine their incompatible, in principle, theories. There appeared the theory of quantum-wave dualism of particle-waves, quantum entanglement of objects located at any distance from each other, the principle of uncertainty, and the like. There is no “British scientist” who invented a beautiful theory of “quantum gravity” because of which relativism cannot be combined with quantum mechanics. For this theory, it is necessary to come up with pieces of the “space-time continuum” but not just come up with what has been done long ago, but write the formulas for this miracle …

In the postulates of Quantum Mechanics, relativists have directly fixed their ideas about the incomprehensibility of any objects in the world and the inscrutability of the paths along which they move.
The basis of all theories of relativists is mathematics, and only they recognized it as the only serious instrument of “cognition” of the world. Having built such an apparatus of “cognition” of the world, the relativists also created their own image of the world in the form of an “expanding universe with acceleration” that appeared in an incomprehensible way from a mysterious “singularity” and turned into “black holes” gradually evaporating.

In real space, no object moves by inertia. All objects in real space are influenced by each other, that is, they always experience positive or negative accelerations.
In the real world, there is an easily distinguishable coordinate system with zero reference point velocity, this is the microwave background radiation of space. In relation to it, our Galaxy is moving at a speed of about 700 kilometers per second, therefore, the direction to the cold part of the sphere of the observed space and the direction to the hot part of this sphere are highlighted.
There are no observations indicating the existence of a “space-time continuum” or “physical vacuum”, “singularity” and “black holes” … The only fact that seems to be consistent with the theories of relativists is the redshift in the spectra of distant galaxies, the real reasons for which have not been identified and no one was involved in identifying them.

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