A brief history of modern false physics

Physicists, teachers of this subject, popularizers of physics and ordinary people “enlightened” by these specialists are sure that the basic theories of the physics that they profess have already been created and only need minor corrections. They do not want to know about the cardinal antagonism of the fundamental theories of their kind of physics: theories of relativity and theories of quantum mechanics. “Space-time continuum”, Einstein postulated by Einstein as absolutely indivisible, and theories of quantum mechanics are based on the postulates of absolute fractionality of everything. Einstein categorically rejected the possibility of splitting his “continuum” because then there is no relativity of “inertial systems” only from each other, and without the fragmentation of this very “continuum” the theorists of quantum mechanics have nothing to rage their waves, we describe them with formulas. The fact that theories, as it were, of physicists do not at all reflect reality, does not bother them either, they simply declare all contradictions as paradoxes, thus claiming the priority of their theories over reality. According to their understanding, apparently, nature is so absurd that it cannot fit into their theory. Accept the opposite, that their theories are absurd, they cannot.

The thinkers of Ancient Greece assumed that any material body can be fragmented not infinitely, the smallest piece of it will inevitably be obtained, preserving its basic properties. They called this object an atom, that is, indivisible. They called elementary carriers of light and heat ether particles. (Translated from the Greek language afiro – to carry.) Of course, they could not imagine the speed of movement of the carriers of light, but they understood that this speed was great.
At this level, approximately, the idea of ​​the microcosm remained until the 17th century.

In the 17th century, Hooke, Huygens and Descartes, comprehending the interference and diffraction of light from the standpoint of the interference of mechanical waves on water, rejected the idea of ​​ether particles as direct carriers of light and heat, presenting them as particles of a certain stationary medium of transmitting waves emitted by light sources and heat. Thus, the environment “luminiferous ether”, which does not exist in nature, was invented.
In the 19th century, J. Maxwell, transferring mathematical formulas reflecting wave processes in material bodies into the “luminiferous ether” invented by his predecessors in fantasies, formalized mathematically the theory of the “electromagnetic field” consisting of mechanical stresses of this “luminiferous ether”. (In fact, it was at this time that a sect of adherents of “ether” as a carrier of light waves was formed. Believers in inventions cannot be considered researchers, they can only be considered sectarians who believe in the inventions of their predecessors.)
Against the background of mathematical “successes” of theoretical thought, the majority of scientists who positioned themselves as physicists became fans of the theory of “luminiferous ether”.
But the theory of such a medium as “luminiferous ether” required that the speed of light be integrated with the speed of bodies moving in it. The experience of researchers Michelson and Morley showed the falsity of this idea, practically canceling out all the two-hundred-year theoretical developments of theorists of wave phenomena in the “luminiferous ether”. Lorenz did not give up. He modified Maxwell’s equations and declared the absence of signs of summation of the speed of bodies with the speed of light by the fact that moving bodies are deformed along the direction of their motion in the ether. According to Lorentz’s formulas, Maxwell’s equations are identical in any moving systems.

On the basis of Lorentz’s ideas at the very beginning of the 20th century, two completely contradictory theories of relativity of Einstein were built, who abandoned the environment in the special theory of relativity and, on the contrary, built the general theory of relativity on such a monumental environment as the “space-time continuum”, while in both theories they appear ethereal formulas of Maxwell and Lorentz. Einstein’s theories, similar to the ideas of the religions widespread at that time, received economic support from the financial structures of the world, that is, advertising in the media. The money did its job, most of the scientists who positioned themselves as physicists left the etherist sect and declared themselves relativists. In turn, the Ethereal sect split into small sects and cells, which absorbed people who did not agree with each other in any inventions. The sect of relativists also turned out to be not monolithic, but financing by financiers of physical pseudoscience on behalf of the state, to a large extent, seems to keep its functionaries from disagreeing among themselves in different inventions from confusion in different sects. And they absolutely need inventions in the conditions of impossibility of real discoveries in the transcendental world invented by them, presented as the real world.

The construction of real, not transcendental physics is possible only with the complete removal of any theories from it, in which an integral part is not revealed in the real world, that is, unscientific elements. But then from science it is simply necessary to remove the overwhelming majority of people positioning themselves as scientists, in order to prove their scholarship.

washing these very theories … It is unlikely that this is really possible …

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