Quantum mechanics is not a science…

Quantum mechanics is a bunch of fabrications about certain waves that matter supposedly consists of, so this pseudoscience is also called wave mechanics. Max Planck is considered to be its creator, although in reality he was the successor to the ideas and theories of the etherists, who believed that photons are electromagnetic waves in the ether. According to the adherents of quantum mechanics, their waves are torn into pieces – quanta, which in this pseudoscience are conditionally considered as particles. (In the real world, waves are joint motions of particles that transmit their motion to each other. There are no particles in the theory of quantum mechanics. Waves without particles are delusional fabrications of quantum mechanics…)
Adepts of quantum mechanics are widely pushing their fabrications into all other sciences and pseudosciences: quantum chemistry, quantum technologies (quantum computers that still do not work, despite half a century of fiddling with them) and quantum theology (for example, Penrose, as a spokesman for the ideas of all quantum thinkers, described “the quantum nature of consciousness”).
A huge part of quantum mechanics is the so-called quantum field theory. Fields in quantum mechanics are something mysterious, that is, it is not a reflection of the features of the mutual motion of the elements of matter, but supposedly a special elusive form of matter, mysteriously capable of controlling the movement of the rest of matter.
Quantum field theory has been concocted by many theorists for most of the 20th century, and this process has continued into the 21st century. Fantasies about interactions between light and electrons are called quantum electrodynamics.
The formulas of quantum theory often do not predict the values of different quantities, but give a certain probability of their measurement. According to these formulas, the probability is found by squaring the absolute value of a complex number, called the probability amplitude. The uncertainty principle, directly related to this probability amplitude, states that no matter how carefully the experiments are carried out on any object, when measuring it is impossible to accurately predict the values of its position and momentum at one point in time.
Here, in the clash of formulas and their application, a purely mathematical, that is, impossible to declare a paradox, obstacle was discovered for the construction of a quantum theory supposedly not contradicting itself, associated with the appearance and preservation of various mathematical infinities in formulas when trying to calculate series of perturbation theory. Not following the object of the real world to some formulas in pseudophysics, on the contrary, is always declared a paradox. (In quantum mechanics, as usual for pseudophysics, formulas illegal for mathematics are used. In such formulas, for example, speed is multiplied by speed, time by time, and in general, incomprehensible by the unknown. In the real world, multiplication is addition. You can only multiply a named number by abstract number. To multiply a certain quantity, you need to take its summand several times and find the sum of all these terms. In the product, you always get a named number, homogeneous with the multiplicand, and the units of measurement are also homogeneous with the multiplicand.)
The theorist who “solved” the problem of the formulas of quantum mechanics was found. He proposed a renormalization procedure, that is, the replacement of certain parameters invented by theorists allegedly for the mathematical description of any physical phenomenon, with those parameters that are actually revealed.
In theoretical physics, no one seems to notice that renormalization is a mathematical cheat. But without this swindle, theorists would have to admit that the formulas of the theories they cherish are not solvable at all! Richard Feynman honestly admitted: “This trick that we are doing … Technically it is called renormalization. But no matter how buzzword it is called, I would call it crazy! Recourse to such hocus pocus does not give us the right to claim that the theory of quantum electrodynamics “Mathematically consistent. It’s amazing that so far it hasn’t really been proven. I don’t think renormalization can be considered the right solution from a mathematical point of view.”
Quantum mechanics, when trying to apply it in the macrocosm, that is, in a world where everything can be verified by observation, gives only paradoxes and philosophical questions. Quantum mechanics theorists claim that their quantum predictions have been confirmed experimentally to an extremely high degree of accuracy, but this is not true. In those murky experiments that allegedly confirm these very predictions of fitting to the desired answer, no less than in mathematical renormalization. This includes the experiment with two slits, when it is stated that a single photon interferes with itself, and the tunnel effect postulating that particles of matter can overcome a potential barrier, proving their wave nature.
The most murky experiments related to quantum mechanics are associated with the so-called quantum entanglement. Adepts of quantum mechanics believe that entangled particle-waves are such mysteriously interconnected objects that the impact of an observer on one of them leads to an instant change in the state of the second, no matter how far away they are. To implement this kind of connection, they even invented, as it were, particle-waves, tachyons with a negative mass moving many times faster than photons. According to the postulates of quantum mechanics in the Copenhagen Interpretation of 1927, any quantum takes on some deterministic state only in the process of measurement. Prior to measurement, neither the measured particle-wave nor its mirror counterpart has a definite state.
In reality, of course, for pairs of particles obtained in one process, the spins of particles are determined and mirrored precisely from the moment of their appearance, and do not appear at all already in the process of measurement. But against this truth, quantum thinkers oppose the statistical mathematical work of John Bell. He stated that if the spins of particle-waves were determined and mirrored precisely from the moment of their occurrence, then it would be possible to conduct experiments revealing the difference in the number of particles with different spins, but in reality this is not revealed. The answer to Bell and others like him is simple, very quickly particles interacting with other particles of which there are infinitely many in the world, undergo decoherence. Although decoherence is, as it were, recognized by adherents of quantum mechanics, under certain conditions, one must know that the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics does not provide for any decoherence, because the interdependence of entangled photons will exist even if these particles scatter in space to any distance. After all, before the measurement, no particle-wave has a definite state.
In quantum mechanics, there are sections in which there are no elements at all that are possible for any observations or experiments. This, for example, is the many-world interpretation of Everett, which assumes the existence of “parallel universes”, in each of which the particle-waves are in different states. Or the theory of “loop quantum gravity” is also meaningless due to the absence of any dimensions other than the three that exist in the real world.

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