Galaxies “exceeding” the speed of light once again show the falsity of the formulas used in astronomy to determine distances

About 500 galaxies with active nuclei, having huge proper motions, were discovered by scientists of the Department of Astronomy and Space Geodesy of the Institute of Physics of the Kazan Federal University and the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences when analyzing the catalog of space objects that emit X-rays. Proper motion is the angular displacement of a source on the celestial sphere in one year, it is measured in thousandths of a second of arc.

The catalog that scientists worked on includes 173,000 stars. The catalog was created on the basis of data from the eROSITA X-ray telescope.

The results of the work were presented at the annual All-Russian Astronomical Conference “High Energy Astrophysics NEA-2022” at the IKI RAS, and also published in December 2022 in the journal Letters to an Astronomical Journal.

Active-nucleus galaxies found among X-ray sources differ from all previously known ones in that they have unexpectedly large proper motions (according to the GAIA space observatory launched by the European Space Agency).

Ilfan Bikmaev talks about the interpretation of the revealed facts as follows: “Visual inspection of these unusual space objects (based on optical images available in the public domain in the electronic astronomical databases of the PANSTARRS project) indicated their extended morphology, characteristic of extragalactic sources … … For the spectral identification of the first group of these unique sources, in autumn 2022, an observational program was organized at the Russian-Turkish telescope RTT-150 at KFU. The results were stunning – 18 out of 19 studied sources demonstrated an extragalactic nature and turned out to be active galactic nuclei, located on average at redshifts z = 0.05 – 0.25. This corresponds to distances of 1-3 billion light-years from us.”

It must be clarified that the proper motions of these objects are a fact, but the distance to them is determined in accordance with the torii and formulas prevailing in modern astrophysics, that is, this is not a fact at all.

In general, the interpretation of the facts of the proper motions of these objects, superimposed on the determination of distances to them in accordance with theories and formulas, gave the corresponding result, the theorists turned out that the objects they studied move tens and even hundreds of times faster than light.

In their article, the authors invent various reasons for this paradox. These fantasies are just not interesting. But the study itself is very interesting in that it once again shows that the formulas by which distances in astronomy are determined are absolutely meaningless, and the distances between objects in our galaxy and between galaxies are much less than it is commonly believed …

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