Distances in space are less than calculated

Magellanic stream. Top: The distribution of the neutral hydrogen of the Magellanic Stream (pink) in the radio band is superimposed on the image of the Galaxy in the visible band. Bottom: Density map of the Magellanic Stream.

Photo: wikipedia
The Milky Way interacts with the dwarf galaxies the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud. As a result, a long gas arc was formed – the Magellanic stream. Scott Lucchini of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA and his colleagues concluded that this gas stream is 5 times closer than previous estimates, its mass is 5 times less than expected. It is moving towards our galaxy and will reach it sooner than previously thought, according to Space.

This is not the first study to show that distances in space are grossly overestimated. And the reason is due to the use of Newton’s nonsense in the form of an unnatural gravity formula, where mass is multiplied by mass, and distance by distance. Multiplication is the addition of the same terms. That is, the multiplier can be associated with any objects, and the multiplier can only be an abstract number, just not related to any objects. Therefore, Newton’s multiplication of mass by mass and distance by distance in his “gravity formula” is a mystical absurdity, but on the basis of this stupid formula they “determine” distances in space, masses of objects, invented “dark matter” and “dark energy” and indeed all cosmology…

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