Theorists indulge in fantasies permanently

Theorists have never been interested in reality. In fact, in the peculiarities of the functioning of the human brain, some part of people has the ability to interpret reality in such a perverse way that fairy tales, myths or, for example, cosmological theories are obtained.

It is not very fashionable to be myth-makers and storytellers in the modern era, and most importantly, it is not economically efficient, and myth-makers by nature have moved into theoreticians from physics …
Here are two creations of such theorists:

one). An international group of scientists under the leadership of scientists from the Institute of High Energy Physics of Galicia (Spain) and the University of Aveiro (Portugal) have invented a theory that the gravitational wave GW190521 is the result of a collision of “bosonic stars”. The article was published in the journal Physical Review Letters.
They based their theory on the message of physicists, as it were, from September 2020, when they announced the registration of the signal GW190521, which supposedly corresponds to the collision of two “black holes”, the mass of which is 85 and 66 times the mass of the Sun, as a result of which a black hole was formed with with a mass of 142 Suns. (In reality, an ordinary earthquake of negligible strength was recorded.)
According to the theory of the Pyrenean physicists, an unlimited number of bosons, read photons, are capable of occupying the same quantum state, therefore they can constitute objects of much greater mass than objects consisting of fermions, but at the same time they are not “black holes”. According to the theory of these sages, “bosonic stars” are as compact as “black holes”, but they do not have an event horizon. However, when they collide, not according to the formula, but according to the whim of the authors of the theory, they become unstable and collapse into a “black hole”.

2). An international team of scientists including Carlos R Argüelles, Manuel I Díaz, Andreas Krut, Rafael Yunis, put forward the theory of the appearance of supermassive “black holes” from “dark matter”. This theory, in their opinion, turned out to be necessary, since the “black holes” were discovered at a distance comparable to the starting point of time, according to the “big bang” theory. In theory, much of the reasoning “proves” the potential existence of stable galactic dark matter nuclei surrounded by a dilute dark matter halo. These structures supposedly could be so concentrated that they could turn into supermassive “black holes”.

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