The creators of the GPS navigation system have purely practically determined that in orbit time is reflected by an atomic clock in such a way that, in comparison with the same clock located on the surface of the Earth, each second is shorter by 0.528 • 10-9 ns. For a day, or 86400 seconds in a day, clocks on Earth are 45900 ns behind.
This proved to the relativists that their belief in Einstein was correct. Of course, in reality, the cesium atoms used as the pendulum of this clock simply pulsate more often in orbit than on Earth. That is, gravity changes the properties of matter.
But Einstein’s general theory of relativity asserts something completely different, namely, the clocks in orbit are in a different time than those on Earth. Let’s imagine that this is the truth. Then, for a satellite of the Earth, the Earth itself does not yet exist in its time, because the satellite has already gone into the future, and the Earth is still in the past. It doesn’t matter that the past from the future, in this case, are separated by milliseconds, because the Earth has not lived through them yet.
There are many objects in space, whose gravity, according to Einstein, should leave them in such a past compared to light objects that the time difference will reach not only minutes or hours, but billions of years and more … That is, in accordance with the ideas of relativism, objects with different masses cannot exist at the same time, that is, they cannot influence each other in any way. Moreover, even different parts of the stars, being in conditions of different gravity, should exist at different times … For stars moving in space, this should mean that their cores should be at orbital points earlier than the surface layers. But the nuclei, being in the past, cannot attract the surfaces that are in the future! That is, the stars should stretch in the “space-time continuum” in a certain line and disintegrate into atoms in it. This is how Einstein’s “gravity” mocks reality.
About galaxies in Einstein’s mathematical universe. The speed of movement of our Galaxy in the world of galaxies is 700 km / sec., The Solar system moves in the Galaxy at a speed of 300 kilometers per second, and the Earth orbits 30 kilometers per second. It turns out that the velocities of different parts of the Galaxy are very different and it is necessary to introduce quite tangible relativistic time dilation corrections for its different parts. If the same is applied to any rotating object of the microworld, then there are huge corrections. It is ridiculous to imagine a whirligig, half of which exists in one time, and the other half in another.
In the past, according to Einstein, any objects are motionless; they are, as it were, “frozen” into the “space-time continuum” (in general relativity). Space and time is a UNIFIED dimension of the world “space-time continuum”, and not at all separate space and time. According to Einstein, the past does not disappear, but nothing can be changed in the past, everything is already fixed there. All objects of the world exist in time not as local objects known to us, but as something eternally existing “serpentine”, as it were, wriggling, in the process of movement in time, but only in the present, that is, in the three-dimensional world known to us due to the possibility only in it deviations of the position of body coordinates in three dimensions. Only where the “Einstein time” is stopped by gravity does this object’s mobility disappear and the objects take the form of a “black hole”. A direct connection (sound, light, mechanical) between the past and the future, of course, is also impossible. If someone thinks that by touching an ancient artifact he gets in touch with the past, he is mistaken. The artifact has changed during the time that has passed since its creation, and in the present it belongs to the present, Only mentally we correlate it with the past.
In general, the picture of the four-dimensional world, written by Einstein, does not in any way resemble reality, it is only suitable for writing science fiction stories in the spirit of Stanislav Lem about Yon Tikh …