As if scientists with the help of magic and mathematical tricks in a continuous sequence “discover” all new fantastic exoplanets, now from diamonds, now from gold, now from glass. Another such giant exoplanet, discovered in 2017, WASP-107b, after “study” was declared to consist of “cotton candy”, writes the Astronomical Journal. Allegedly, WASP-107b is comparable to Jupiter in size, and its orbit is very close to the star – sixteen times closer than the Earth’s orbit to the Sun. At the same time, the planet WASP-107b is ten times lighter than Jupiter.
“This amazing planet belongs to super-puffs – its density is so low that it can be compared with the density of cotton candy,” they say. scientists.
Magic and mathematical tricks in physics have been practiced since the days of Isaac Newton and Henry Cavendish, who was glorified as if by scientists for his experiments, with the help of which he allegedly determined the value of the Earth’s density in 1797. But Cavendish did not at all impartially determine the value of the density of the Earth, but only kind of checked the assertion of Newton, who estimated the density of the Earth as follows: five times heavier, it is plausible that the entire amount of the earth’s matter is five or six times more, as if it were all water. “
As if scientists with the help of magic and mathematical tricks in a continuous sequence “discover” all new fantastic exoplanets, now from diamonds, now from gold, now from glass. Another such giant exoplanet, discovered in 2017, WASP-107b, after “study” was declared to consist of “cotton candy”, writes the Astronomical Journal. Allegedly, WASP-107b is comparable to Jupiter in size, and its orbit is very close to the star – sixteen times closer than the Earth’s orbit to the Sun. At the same time, the planet WASP-107b is ten times lighter than Jupiter.
“This amazing planet belongs to super-puffs – its density is so low that it can be compared with the density of cotton candy,” they say. scientists.
Magic and mathematical tricks in physics have been practiced since the days of Isaac Newton and Henry Cavendish, who was glorified as if by scientists for his experiments, with the help of which he allegedly determined the value of the Earth’s density in 1797. But Cavendish did not at all impartially determine the value of the density of the Earth, but only kind of checked the assertion of Newton, who estimated the density of the Earth as follows: five times heavier, it is plausible that the entire amount of the earth’s matter is five or six times more, as if it were all water. “
But even weirder is the density of “newly discovered” exoplanets …
Kepler-42d М = 0.953 р = 30.108 g / cm3
KOI-142b М = 1.756 р = 0.139 g / cm3
Kepler-42c М = 1.939 р = 29.570 g / cm3
Kepler- 11f M = 2.300 p = 0.757 g / cm3
Kepler-42b M = 2.860 p = 34.931 g / cm3
Kepler-20e M = 3.083 p = 27.212 g / cm3
Kepler-62c M = 4.004 p = 151.675 g / cm3
Kepler-11b М = 4.300 р = 3.293 g / cm3
KOI-55b М = 4.449 р = 59.275 g / cm3
Kepler-36b М = 4.449 р = 7.922 g / cm3
Kepler-10b М = 4.546 р = 9.294 g / cm3
Kepler-68c М = 4.767 р = 37.575 g / cm3
Kepler-57c М = 5.403 р = 8.248 g / cm3
Kepler- 11d М = 6.099 р = 0.885 g / cm3
Kepler-18b М = 6.896 р = 5.037 g / cm3
GJ-1214b М = 6.261 р = 1.600 g / cm3
Kepler-50c М = 6.992 р = 1.874 g / cm3
Kepler-9d M = 6.992 p = 9.220 g / cm3
CoRoT-7b M = 7.309 p = 10.923 g / cm3
Kepler-50b M = 7.627 p = 3.994 g / cm3
HD-97658b M = 7.945 p = 3.594 g / cm3
KIC-8435766b M = 7.945 p = 32.303 g / cm3
Kepler-36c M = 8.072 p = 0.950 g / cm3
Kepler- 68b М = 8.263 р = 4.597 g / cm3
55-Cnc-e М = 8.358 р = 4.795 g / cm3 Kepler-11e М = 8.399 р = 0.532 g / cm3
Kepler-20b М = 8.581 р = 7.316 g / cm3
Kepler-62b М = 8.898 р = 23.274 g / cm3
Kepler-48c M = 10.170 p = 1.578 g / cm3
Kepler-21b M = 10.487 p = 14.145 g / cm3
Kepler-30b M = 11.441 p = 1.118 g / cm3
Kepler-11c M = 13.507 p = 2.530 g / cm3
GJ-3470b M = 13.983 p = 0.850 g / cm3
Kepler-62d M = 13.983 p = 11.119 g / cm3
Kepler-20f M = 14.301 p = 82.177 g / cm3 < / p>
The gravity formula arbitrarily invented by Newton based on the opinion from Plato that the world was created with the help of mathematics, Poisson in 1811 in his “Treatise on Mechanics” enriched the Cavendish with the formula for the density of the Earth.
& nbsp; F = gMm / r ^ 2, where F is the force of interaction, g is the gravitational constant, M and m are the masses of interacting bodies, r is the distance between them.
Since that time, the gravity of the Earth is considered certain, but with correction for the accuracy of determining the coefficient included in Newton’s formula and called the “gravitational constant”. Both Cavendish himself and various experimenters who repeated his experiments for 200 years received very different values of this “constant”, but took into account only those that did not go beyond the dogma of the density of the Earth postulated by Newton. The commonality of all these works, as well as all the works of physicists, is that from the usual heap of formulas in any of such works it turns out to be impossible to understand what the results are from.
But the idea of the density of the Earth, oh the mass of the Earth and other bodies, the force of gravity, about the distances between planets, stars and galaxies is only opinions, not facts. The very formula of Newton, in which mass is multiplied by mass, and distance by distance is not adequate even to the elementary concepts of arithmetic, because multiplication is a multiple addition of the same numbers! You can only multiply something concrete by an abstract number. And the gravitational constant according to Newton-Cavendish-Poisson is therefore different in different experiments, because the real gravity at different distances obeys the exponential law, but not at all the arbitrary Newton’s formula.
The real formula of gravity has not yet been created. It can of course be created by measuring in space the force of attraction between two bodies of known mass at different distances … But no one set such a goal …