About the pseudoscience of quantum mechanics

Pseudoscience quantum mechanics is known to be formulated in the so-called Copenhagen interpretation. Its main provisions were formulated in the 1920s by Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg. And the central term of the Copenhagen interpretation has become the wave function – a mathematical function that contains information about all possible states of a quantum system in which it simultaneously resides.

According to the Copenhagen interpretation, only observation can determine the state of the system, distinguish it from the rest (the wave function only helps to mathematically calculate the probability of detecting a system in one state or another). Without an observer, from the standpoint of the interpreters of this pseudoscience, nothing happens in the world. Only after observing the observer does the quantum system become classical: it instantly ceases to coexist in many states at once in favor of one of them.

This approach has always had opponents. Einstein must be mentioned among them.

Schrödinger’s cat is the most important model demonstrating the delusion of adherents of quantum mechanics.

The idea of ​​a mental experiment with a cat is as follows: a live cat, an ampoule of poison and some mechanism that can trigger the poison at a random moment is placed in a black box. For example, one radioactive atom, the decay of which will break an ampoule. The exact decay time of the atom is unknown. Only the half-life is known: the time during which the decay will occur with a probability of 50%.

It turns out that for an outside observer of the Copenhagen school, the cat inside the box exists in two states at once: he is either alive or dead. Both of these states are described by the wave function of the cat, which changes over time: the further, the greater the likelihood that radioactive decay has already occurred. But as soon as the box opens, the wave function collapses and we immediately see the outcome of the experiment.

According to the adherents of this nonsense, until the observer opens the box, the cat will balance on the border between life and death, and only the action of the observer will determine its fate. & nbsp; The difference between a virtual cat and a real cat is that a real cat will actually be discovered by an observer alive or dead, but the smell of decomposition will tell a real observer that the cat did not die at the moment of opening the box and collapse of the wave function, but long before that when the wave function yet & nbsp; described him both alive and dead, when his observer was not just watching.

The same can be said about any real: particles have their state in the absence of any observers there.

Einstein proposed another option: the electron and positron all this time have their own definite spins. Only researchers conducting experiments do not know this.

However, theorists have stated that the world of deterministic states of particles will behave quite differently from the world of their random states.

According to the postulates of the Copenhagen interpretation of the quantum theory, ANY impact on one of the entangled particles must produce changes in another entangled particle, and in the absence of any external impact on the “entangled particles”, the states of these particles are absolutely indefinite. These scientists do everything like primary school pupils, adjusting arithmetic operations with the data of the problem to the answer given at the end of the textbook … But when these scientists cheat with photons in real experiments, undoubtedly producing massive IMPACT on them by means of mirrors, lenses, fiber-optic cables , for them, in accordance with their ad hoc explanations, the states of photons remain UNCERTAINABLE until the dogma decides to determine them with special devices … That is, photons, according to the ideas of these scientists, it turns out, KNOW what they are interacting with at the moment, with mirrors, lenses, fiber-optic cables that measure nothing, or precisely with devices that determine the spin. And in one case the photons do not fix their spin, leaving it undefined, and in the other, suddenly both entangled photons fix the spin !!! Real paired photons, even before leaving the source, already repeatedly interact with different atoms included in the structure of this source and lose their “entanglement”

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